Sunday, July 28, 2013

Conference 2013 Hot-Lanta

National Conference is a HUGE part of your business.  It's so important to get the opportunity, even just once, to attend a National Conference. As you run your business this year, I hope you will plan on joining us next year!  Check out these 2 video highlights of our amazing time with Team 4:13 at National Conference in Atlanta!

Honoring the Founding Consultants

In 2006 I had no idea the significance of joining such a small new company.  Being a part of the first 500 ladies to join this company has been a blessing I could never have imagined. Little did I know when that strange catalog showed up on my door that nearly 7 years later I would still be here.  Without the support of my husband and an AMAZING best friend named Gina to kick my booty into gear, leadership would never have come into this even bigger picture. With all of these things coming together, and with the Grace of God, Thirty-One has become so much more than a hobby, so much more than a's just part of me now!
 The last of 23 founding consultants and very good friends.  Seen above and me and my best friend Gina, below.  I am surrounded by amazing Godly ladies and thank him for his GOODNESS to me!