At our SED's Director Retreat last month, a very young and very vibrant MK rep came and talked to us. She had some really new and fresh ideas. One of those is something I'm implementing in my own business. Like many of you, I am used to putting all my eggs in one basket -- Turkey Trot or that one BIG vendor event -- and hoping that one basket will be worth at least $1000 every month. That's a lot of pressure on ONE event. She challenged us to always have 7 Rivers of Leads working at any given time in our business.
At any given time in your business, you should have 7 rivers of leads coming in. They are all from different areas and on a different timeline so that you're never relying on just ONE thing. We KNOW there will always be a failed fundraiser, party, vendor event, or Turkey Trot at some point in our business, but that's not that big of a deal when you have 6 other rivers of leads flowing in. Blow that one failed event off and keep working on the other 6 and replace that 7th with a new one.
Some examples of the 7 Rivers:
1. Current home parties
2. Previous hostesses rebooking
3. Customer care calls
4. Vendor event
5. Fundraiser
6. Facebook customer group
7. Referral program
You can fill those 7 rivers in however you want to: Turkey Trot, Snowman Shuffle, FB Party, 3 new contacts a day, last chance/first glance party, etc.
This was such a NEW concept to me and an Ah-ha moment in my 4 year business. I encourage you to always have 7 rivers of leads and I'd love to hear what some of yours are! Ready, set, go!
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